Post - A behind the...

6 February 2018

A behind the scenes look at bespoke brands

As part of our Total Coffee Solution, we build and develop bespoke coffee brands for a range of customers. These brands are unique, built from a foundation of sector knowledge, aligned with an operator’s requirements, and on trend with consumer tastes (literally). With such a competitive, fragmented market, consumer fatigue of high street coffee brands and the desire to explore new offers, more and more operators are interested in going bespoke.

But, what does creating a bespoke blend and brand actually entail? We spoke to Dan McGrath, our head of marketing, to find out more about the approach.


“So much experience, planning and management sits behind a truly bespoke offer – it’s an involved, consultative, and collaborative process. The first step is understanding our customer’s position; where do they sit in the market? What are they looking to achieve? Who are their customers? We support the early stages of brand development with a host of research to address these questions, working in partnership with our customer and their internal teams to outline the facts and establish direction.

“Once we have a complete understanding of customer requirements we get to work on the brand standards and develop a concept that considers everything – coffee, equipment, accessories, and training requirements – and build up an offer that will work for them and stand out. Only when we cement the standards do we move into the creative piece. We know coffee, we know what’s out there, what’s fresh and on the edge, and we work with a pool of trusted creative agencies to perfect the branding and execution to deliver for our client. That’s all that matters.

“Working on the coffee itself with our Heads of Coffee Quality and Excellence – customising roast profiles, working with ethical accreditation, selecting origins, devising training approaches – is a fascinating experience. It’s a real highlight of the process for me and our customers, but it’s all anchored in consumer preferences and what our customer is able to deliver. The best concepts are rooted in research and balanced between consumer preferences and operator capability.

“Our work doesn’t end once the brand is signed off, the logo looks great, and the coffee is being served. We provide ongoing support to customers and we’ll always keep in touch to see how consumers are responding to the coffee, offer advice and help evolve the brand further. With our support and experience, customers can get a lot out of a bespoke offer.

“A unique coffee concept, tailored around your consumers is a fantastic opportunity, especially for larger, non-specialist sites. Customers get complete control over their coffee offer, supported by us as a total solution company, and can see healthier profits in the long run. We expect to see a lot more customers going bespoke this year.”

Find out more about our bespoke offer here