Every professional coffee seller should have a commercial filter coffee machine or two in their arsenal. Consumers love the strong taste of a filter coffee, brought about when a medium-coarse coffee grind is left to infuse over time in a commercial filter coffee machine or AeroPress.
Our filter coffee machines make that intense flavour easy to recreate and batch brew while keeping your coffee fresh and tasting great.
The key to choosing the right filter coffee machine for your business is being able to gauge the demand for filter coffee amongst your customers. With the capacity you need to meet both at peak times and throughout the day in mind, you can make key decisions over how many machines you’ll need to supply your customers – and determine whether you’ll need single thermofresh coffee chambers, or dual chambers.
There’s also the length of time your filter coffee is likely to be sitting around for to consider. If you have a steady stream of customers and can maintain a constant flow of filter coffee by alternating between dual pots, you can serve coffee efficiently and minimise waste. If workspace is an issue for you, the portability that some of our smaller models offer could be advantageous.
Our entire range of Bunn filter coffee machines offer intelligent insulation that will keep your coffee fresh and tasty while in use, but the larger models can maintain freshness for multiple hours- so be sure to choose a machine that meets your specific needs. With 5-7-minute brew times, our range empowers you to serve delicious coffee at speed.
If your business is in need of the highest quality coffee to match its brand new filter coffee machine, visit our range of private label and white label coffee offerings to see how we can design a bespoke roasted coffee for you.