Post - ORANG UTAN C...

27 October 2017


The rainforest, local farmers, communities and orangutans; the Orang Utan Coffee Project is protecting a great deal. And we’re proud to be doing our bit to help, thanks to support from our Orang Utan Coffee.


The project makes ecological coffee farming a viable option for farmers in Sumatra, helping to stop the destruction of the Sumatran rainforest; the natural habitat of the Sumatran orangutan. For every kilogram of our Orang Utan Coffee produced by local farmers, they receive a premium and a donation is made to the Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme (SOCP), which has already rehabilitated over 200 orangutans.

Dr. Ian Singleton, director at SOCP and leading conservationist, has recently been travelling across the UK holding talks about his work. He explains that with such a small number of these orangutans left in the wild, support is crucial.

He said: “Because of the destruction of their habitat, only 14,000 Sumatran orangutans remain in the wild today. By working with the SOCP, the Orang Utan Coffee Project is safeguarding the livelihoods of local farmers and bringing the Sumatran orangutan back from the brink. With their help, there is still hope for Sumatran orangutans and their rainforest home.”

The orangutan’s rainforest home is a special place, and its climate allows for the growth of the 100% Arabica beans found in Orang Utan Coffee. Thanks to these beans, and the work with the SOCP, Orang Utan Coffee tastes good and does a lot of good as well.

Orang Utan Coffee is currently available for out-of-home, and is stocked in Waitrose and Ocado. For further information visit Orang-utan coffee